Haden Wasserbaech

I am an engineer who enjoys working on a variety of ML, software, hardware, and robotics problems

I also like to hike, snowboard, ski, skydive, sail, and run

Profile picture


Worked on computer vision, SLAM, perception, and calibration
Worked on SLAM, perception, and calibration
Worked on LiDAR and calibration
Worked on Autonomous Driving
Worked on Automotive RADAR
Worked on Embedded Systems
Worked on Industrial Automation

Student Projects

SAE L4 autonomy challenge
Competed in the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition
Built 6 large robots in HS

Assorted Projects

Local semantic image search
Search engine for bioRxiv
Handheld 3D LiDAR scanner
Designed and built an LED driver PCB to use my particle photon with
Designed a camera mount for Udacity
Quadrotor I built in HS
Quadrotor control app to send data between Android and my quadrotor using XBees
Visualizer for data from my quadrotor
A deck I designed and built
A pergola I designed and built
Taught myself OpenGL ES on Android
More projects and documentation to come